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Showing posts with label Marvel Movies. Show all posts

February 7, 2019

Avengers: Endgame | Trailer 2 Breakdown | Marvel Studio | 2019 | Igor11 Comics

Avengers: Endgame (2019) Trailer 2 | TV Spot


All Marvel Movies, Comes under MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe).
Marvel Studio dropped their TV spot Trailer of Avengers Endgame or Avengers 4 at Super Bowl.
We can count this as Avengers Endgame Trailer 2.
Avengers Endgame release date is not official yet, but the month is revealed by Marvel Studio officially i.e April 2019.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame will be released in April 2019

Avengers Endgame Cast consist of old Characters from MCU basically.

It is half a minute long but has a lot of details to look upon.

Let's Start, with the breakdown:

Scene 1

The trailer starts by showing all Avengers who are disintegrated into dust by the snap of Thanos.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | Wasp | Igor11 Comics

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | Doctor Strange | Igor11 Comics

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | Black Panther | Igor11 Comics

Like Wasp, Spiderman, Doctor Strange, Falcon, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, Nick Fury and others.

Scene 2

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
10 Years of Marvel Studio | Igor11 Comics

We see 10 years Marvel Studio logo disintegrated similar to what happened to other Superheroes.

It remind us all about what happened in the last of Avengers Infinity War, where Thanos killed half of Universe with a snap of his Finger.

Scene 3

We have a look at New York which is totally abandoned and destructed, there is no electricity or lights in the whole city.
The city looks doomed with no human in frame.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
New York | After Infinity War | Igor11 Comics

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
New York | After Infinity War | Igor11 Comics

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
New York | After Infinity War | Igor11 Comics

I personally felt that it is very disheartening and painful to see this situation.
Everything is unbalanced now, everybody who survives the snap is in agony and pain of loosing their close ones because every family lost some of their members just like the Avengers.
Many People has left the City but some are still living there.

Scene 4

We now have a look at a banner saying "WHERE DO WE GO, NOW THAT THEY'RE GONE?"
It means to convey a message that what we do if we don't have our close ones with us.
It also shows the pain of loosing our loved ones.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Where do we go, Now that they're gone? | Igor11 Comics

Then we hear Captain Steve saying, " Some People move on, But not us."
In the mean time we also see Captain sitting in fresh look having no beard like Avengers Infinity War.

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Avengers Endgame | Captain America | Igor11 Comics

After this we see some shots of some survived heroes.

Scene 5

First of all we see a very satisfying thing, which will make all Fans feel good.

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Avengers Endgame | Tony and Nebula | Igor11 Comics

Feels good, Right?, Yes I know.
We see Iron Man didn't give up and he is making something to rescue himself as he did in Iron Man 1 in 2008.
We can also see Nebula is helping Iron Man.

Scene 6

Next we see Captain America, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, James Rhodes looking up in the sky.
They are standing outside Avengers Tower.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | Igor11 Comics

My speculation is that it is Tony arriving Earth or it might be Captain Marvel.
But it doesn't matter who it is but I think it will be an awesome scene.

Scene 7

We see Rocket Racoon, entering a Hut near a beach.
But I don't understand any reference over here.
It might be possible that he go there to perform a task or collect something.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | Rocket Racoon | Igor11 Comics

It doesn't matter why is he in the Hut, but looking at him I can surely say that he seems to be in a great shock of loosing Groot and other team members.

Scene 8

We have a look at Black Widow, doing her shooting practice. Her hairs are long which shows that there is a big time gap between Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | Black Widow | Igor11 Comics

It also depicts that every Avengers is getting ready to Fight back Thanos which is really a positive sign.

Scene 9

Now we see War Machine (Rhodes) and Ant-Man (Scott Lang) suiting up.
The location seems to be inside Avengers Tower.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | War Machine and Ant-Man | Igor11 Comics

The background of the room seems similar a office as we can see a chair and desk at the back.

Scene 10

Now We see The Mighty Thor, and his Storm Breaker in his Right hand.
The location clearly looks like Wakanda, But it might the the Planet where we last saw Thanos planting flowers.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | Thor | Igor11 Comics

Why I said so because Thor's new Hammer have the power of Bifrost which can teleport him anywhere he want in the Nine Realm.
I'm not sure though, it's just my speculation.

Scene 11

We see Hawkeye in new looks with a redish scenery, I think this is a flashback story of Hawkeye telling us about his transformations to Ronin.

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Avengers Endgame | Hawkeye | Igor11 Comics

We can't surely say anything about this scene.

Scene 12

Last shot, Which can goosebumps to many Readers and viewers.

Avengers Endgame trailer 2,  Avengers 4,  Avengers Endgame release date,  Marvel movies,  Avengers Endgame cast
Avengers Endgame | Captain America's Shield | Igor11 Comics

Yes, Yes, Yes..
We sees Captain America binding the straps of his old classic Shield which gives us strong sense of spirit and a message that we should never give up.

Scene 13 

Finally Scene, We see all Avengers in a line leaving Avengers Headquarter. And after this scene we can say there will be an intense battle scene in the movie.

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Avengers Endgame | Avengers Assemble | Igor11 Comics

In this picture we can easily notice, Captain, Thor, Black Widow, Rocket, Ant-Man, War Machine and Bruce Banner.

Have a look at the Official Trailer 2 of Avengers Endgame by Marvel Entertainment:

That's All for this Trailer Breakdown. If you liked it share with your friends and family.

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By: Igor

Tags: Avengers Endgame trailer 2,
Avengers 4,
Avengers Endgame release date,
Marvel movies,
Avengers Endgame cast 

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